There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it, and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've gone P.P!!!

Go ahead, laugh at the title...
But, it's true, I have gone P.P.

No silly, I have not urinated... And If I just did, I would not go off and tell the world.

P.P. is an abbreviation for Primary Paleo!

I have gone Primary Paleo.
You might also know this as the "Caveman Diet." It basically is eating like cavemen did. You are supposed to eliminate all grains and dairy products from your diet. That means no bread, oatmeal, cheese, milk, etc. I would have died if I had to live without dairy, so that is why I call myself Primary Paleo. It has been hard. I've learned to adapt to living without my sandwiches, bagels for breakfast, and the regular pasta for dinner. I especially miss the brownies and cookies.

Now, onward to the general questions I usually get after telling people that I have gone Primary Paleo:

Why in Sam hill are you doing this?!
I am doing this diet for numerous reasons. Number one, I have heard from numerous amounts of people that this diet changes your life. Not in a bad way. Eating all of those icky grains that are processed numerous amounts of times, and mixed together with only God knows what chemicals. Back in the caveman days, they did not eat grains or other sweet things like candy bars. That is proof that people can actually live without grains!

I ate a candy bar today, and felt awful afterwards. That is a great thing! Then I worked out for 20 minutes, and ate some cauliflower to try to make myself feel better.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hello from a sad, sick little girl :(.

T is for Tummy Aches...
Tummy aches, my weakness. I despise them, and would be so very happy if they were forever erased from my life. I sit here on my couch, watching Glee while I'm typing this. I hate having the sensation that I need to throw-up. Tummy aches... What are they? The scientific way of saying it is, Gastralgia.
There are several types of stomach aches too. Cramps, Achey, throwy-uppy...
I hate all of them...

G is for Guh-Lee...
Glee is so amazing. In the beginning, I hated them. I thought they made terrible re-makes of songs, and they had awful singers. Then while I was sitting on my couch a few days ago, my nose being raw and stuffed up, I decided to give Glee a chance. Glee has changed my life. I love Glee now. Especially the Bieber episode. The glee director combined two of my favorite things for me: Glee, and Justin Bieber. The actors and actresses have their moments sure, but most of them do a fairly well job for the most part.

W is for Watermelon...
When I was younger, watermelon was my life. Strawberries? nah. Cantaloupe? Not my thing. Apples? Too crunchy. Apricots? Too mushy. Watermelon? Amazing. Watermelon.. 92 percent water, sweet, and refreshing. Now, after about 4 bites of watermelon, it's fulfilling to me. I prefer strawberries, or cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines... basically anything but watermelon. Funny how that works huh? I used to love tomatoes too. Now, I despise them.

Over and out...