There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama & the people who create it, and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 2

Winter is on its' way. I'm not so sure how I feel about that. I enjoy each season, but sometimes Winter decides to stay longer than it got invited for.

On that note; Let's mosey on over to some cute clothes for Cold Weather!
Oh.My.Gosh. These ear muffs are adorable! Instead of wearing a hat that covers your cute hairstyle that you woke up 30 minutes earlier to do- Wear these ear muffs!

Now, I don't know about you, but when I was younger, I could not stand wearing mittens. Now, I love them. These mittens are chic, and girly. Just what you need when you're still trying to look chic, but stay warm!

Uhm, Hello? How insanely adorable is this belt?! Anybody could rock this belt with any shirt! Just make sure that your bottoms and shoes match too.

That, Ladies and Gentleman, was my accessory blog post!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 1

Here goes my first fashion post. I have spent about 2 hours today putting together how I'm going to do this, so please, give me suggestions and comments below.

Comfortable, and Chic? Since when did those two words go together? Since this fall. Pair a high wasted shorts, a cute belt, some tights, and a wide necked long sleeve shirt, and you're good to go. You stay warm, and you look like you know what you're doing when it comes to getting dressed. 

Looking to stay warm, and look cute? Throw on that adorable maxi skirt that's hidden in your closet, pair it with a crop knit sweater, and you're ready to walk the streets of New York City with style. 

Remember when you were searching for that little black dress, that was not too revealing yet still flirtatious? Good news-- I found it! Last minute date? This dress, flats, and a knit shawl, 'nuff said. 

And that concludes our night of fashion. There'll be more tomorrow. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Lonely Rose

There once was a yellow rose bush. And on that yellow rose bush sat a yellow rose. Not 4 yellow roses, or 3... Just one yellow rose. The yellow rose sat there every day and watched the people pass by, not caring to stop and notice that one lonely yellow rose. 

One day as the rose was watching the nasty looking rain clouds roll in, a group of young boys ran towards the one little rose. They picked the peddles off of the yellow rose, one by one, until there was nothing but one yellow rose peddle left. The boys threw the peddles about, thinking nothing of it, and snickered and ran away.

The yellow rose sat there and waited for time to come and wilt the yellow rose away. The day the rose thought it would be his last, the rose saw out of the corner of his eye, a little blossom. The rose assumed he was hallucinating, and ignored the blossom. But he couldn't help but feel the teeniest bit of hope, that at last he had found a friend.

The next day, the yellow rose saw that the blossom was now a rose. A beautiful young, vibrant red rose. The yellow rose reached for the red rose's peddle, with the last bit of strength that he had, and grasped one of the red rose's peddles. 

From that point on, people would stop and stare at the two roses that had joined peddles.  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 and More...


I've always thought it as crucial to take a moment of remembrance for those who lost their lives that day. Whether they lost their lives from  the terrorism, or from fighting for other peoples lives. I'm torn apart though. I feel it wrong in a way, to dedicate only one day out of the year to remember everybody who lost their lives.. only one day of the year, for only one event. What about the people that risk their lives every day for our country? What about the people who live in a country where there is no freedom, and no decision making for themselves? Take a moment out of everyday just to think about that... remember how lucky we are to live in a country where we are allowed to make decisions on our own.

On a Happier Note...

I am listening to a great song right now, It's called 1,000 ships by Rachel Platten. You should look it up, it's up-beat and you just have to dance to it! I have bad news though, I've kind of given up on the Paleo. I just can't help myself.. cupcakes and cookies. But, I am working out everyday for 2 1/2 hours (ish) so it's ok. I should start eating healthy though, I plan on living long.. my ultimate goal is to live to be 100.


Yet again, I find my self apologizing for not being on in forever! It's due mostly to technical difficulties, and the time consuming abilities that this blog has! So I will try to get into the habit of blogging once again!!!

Until Then, Over n Out.....

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Regular Post..

So this is my regular post. No S is for... or I is for...
Nope, this is just going to be me babbling on about whatever I want to talk about.
One of the people that I follow on blogspot is She has an amazing blog. Some of her most recent blog posts has got me hooked on cake. Cake is now in my brain. The picture of the cake that she has on there just looks so moist, and delicate and so chocolate-y. Baking is a weird art/hobby. Some people suck at it, and some people are amazing at it. I personally enjoy baking sweet things, but eating them is not really my favorite part surprisingly. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in right now, because I usually enjoy eating sweet things.
Right now I am in pain. My back and my shoulders hurt. Why? One word... Stress. I am so stressed out with school right now, it is not even anywhere near funny. I just feel like one big knot that can't get untangled. I need a massage...
I have been so lazy lately. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want to sleep or watch movies, and drink hot chocolate. Heck, the only part of me that's even moving right now is my eyes and my hands. I am not looking forward to getting up out of this chair. Maybe it's hormones... the world may never know.

Hope all is well in your world, cause my world just got a heck of a lot better now that it's drama free!


Friday, April 8, 2011


Good Evening..
I have been working on that "Good Evening" in my Count Dracula accent. I think that I sound pretty darn good!

E is for Eating Foods...
Being Primary Paleo is hard. I have to stay away from those delicious looking cinnamon rolls, no rice krispie treats, or brownies. Basically anything that is actually sweet to eat! So I usually treat myself to a candy bar, or a dove chocolate! My favorite dinner to eat, being P.P., is Tacos. I love cooking them, and most importantly, eating them! We use lettuce leaves as the usual taco tortilla thanks to,! My dad and I listen to hers and's podcasts during the morning on our way to school/work. If you are thinking of becoming Paleo, or like me, Primary Paleo, then check out these websites! Once you do your own research, you will realize how bad the grains and carbs that you're putting into your body are for you. I still haven't realized that, but it will come soon hopefully! The next time that I make tacos, or any dinner, I will have to take pictures to show you all how amazing these things are!

Ok well, I am really tired. Only got 5 hours of sleep last night. I'm used to getting 8-10. So, this is Liv signing off!

Until next time..

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I've gone P.P!!!

Go ahead, laugh at the title...
But, it's true, I have gone P.P.

No silly, I have not urinated... And If I just did, I would not go off and tell the world.

P.P. is an abbreviation for Primary Paleo!

I have gone Primary Paleo.
You might also know this as the "Caveman Diet." It basically is eating like cavemen did. You are supposed to eliminate all grains and dairy products from your diet. That means no bread, oatmeal, cheese, milk, etc. I would have died if I had to live without dairy, so that is why I call myself Primary Paleo. It has been hard. I've learned to adapt to living without my sandwiches, bagels for breakfast, and the regular pasta for dinner. I especially miss the brownies and cookies.

Now, onward to the general questions I usually get after telling people that I have gone Primary Paleo:

Why in Sam hill are you doing this?!
I am doing this diet for numerous reasons. Number one, I have heard from numerous amounts of people that this diet changes your life. Not in a bad way. Eating all of those icky grains that are processed numerous amounts of times, and mixed together with only God knows what chemicals. Back in the caveman days, they did not eat grains or other sweet things like candy bars. That is proof that people can actually live without grains!

I ate a candy bar today, and felt awful afterwards. That is a great thing! Then I worked out for 20 minutes, and ate some cauliflower to try to make myself feel better.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Hello from a sad, sick little girl :(.

T is for Tummy Aches...
Tummy aches, my weakness. I despise them, and would be so very happy if they were forever erased from my life. I sit here on my couch, watching Glee while I'm typing this. I hate having the sensation that I need to throw-up. Tummy aches... What are they? The scientific way of saying it is, Gastralgia.
There are several types of stomach aches too. Cramps, Achey, throwy-uppy...
I hate all of them...

G is for Guh-Lee...
Glee is so amazing. In the beginning, I hated them. I thought they made terrible re-makes of songs, and they had awful singers. Then while I was sitting on my couch a few days ago, my nose being raw and stuffed up, I decided to give Glee a chance. Glee has changed my life. I love Glee now. Especially the Bieber episode. The glee director combined two of my favorite things for me: Glee, and Justin Bieber. The actors and actresses have their moments sure, but most of them do a fairly well job for the most part.

W is for Watermelon...
When I was younger, watermelon was my life. Strawberries? nah. Cantaloupe? Not my thing. Apples? Too crunchy. Apricots? Too mushy. Watermelon? Amazing. Watermelon.. 92 percent water, sweet, and refreshing. Now, after about 4 bites of watermelon, it's fulfilling to me. I prefer strawberries, or cantaloupe, peaches, nectarines... basically anything but watermelon. Funny how that works huh? I used to love tomatoes too. Now, I despise them.

Over and out...

Monday, February 28, 2011

F, F&T

Good Evening...
Whenever I type or write that, my mind always reads it in the Count Dracula accent...

I don't know if that's just me or what.

F is for Family&Friends...

Oh goodness.. Where to start. My family and my friends have been with me no matter what. Well obviously cause they're my family, ofcourse they're always with me. But, what I mean by that is in my heart. If I'm away at camp, or traveling, I know that I can always think about them and I will be comforted. Either that or homesick....

I am so blessed. I have a nice home, parents who love and care about me (somtimes too much), and friends who can make me laugh no matter what. I just wanted to take this moment to say that I love you all and thank you for being there for me no matter what.

F is for Food...
Raise your hand if you love food! Whoever didn't raise their hand has serious issues. I for one, love food. Food is another one of my comforts. Bad day?? Chocolate is on the way. Strawberries, watermelon, spinach, asparagus. All of them just amaze me in every way. Food is just amazing. Period. That's it.
T was for...
T was for something but I forgot what it actually was for. Woot!! Let's go Forgetfulness!!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today is supposed to be my lazy day. That's what I plan all of my Sundays for. Not for visiting other people, not for hanging out, but for me. I like to plan my outfits, relax, paint my nails, shower. That all is very relaxing to me. I think that every Sunday should be dedicated to relaxation.

B stands for Blogs...
Most of the people whose blogs I follow all have a lot of followers. Ranging from 1,000-12,000. How do they get so many followers? I don't know, but I would like to know. Some of them are youtubers, but some I have never heard of before. Is it because they tell all of their co-workers, family members, friends, etc? I guess the world (as in me) may never know...

M stands for Money...
Money.. ahh .. the green crisp dollar bill. 5 dollar bill, 10 dollar bill, etc. If I had money to blow I would be in trouble. I get an allowance weekly, and my problem is that I like to spend it the day or day after I get it. Usually I go into Wenatchee every Saturday and spend all of at Target, or at Snapdragon Coffee Shop. I am trying to be a smart spender, but trying sometimes doesn't work out. I have to BE the smart spender that I know I can be.. or at least I think I can be. If I had an unlimited amount of money to spend then I would be off the Bahamas sipping on a coconut, basking in the sun, and spending money on a bunch of souvenirs.

S is for Showers...
Now, as we all know, everybody takes showers. Whether it being twice a week, once a month, or every day; every body showers. I tend to take shorter showers then other girls my age. But somtimes, it's nice to have a hot steamy shower. The water drops landing against my back with force from the shower head has always been calming to me. I know a shower always feels good after a hard work out. Which is where I'm going in a few minutes...

Have a nice week!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Hello my 6 people that are, most likely, not reading my blog!

Now, those who are reading, might be asking.. What is C&E?
My reply would be, "Patience is a virtue"

C is for Cupcakes...
Cupcakes. No, they don't sound good to me right now. Especially not cupcakes in a cup. Who would even think of such a disgusting thing? I would possibly give it a "sip", but I definitley would not "sip" it again. Are just plain ol' cupcakes not good enough for them? I am seriously worried about the future of my generation...

S is for Sugarland...
I love Sugarland's new song, Stuck Like Glue. I normally dislike all country songs, but this song is just going to slide. It's so meaningful. Unlike those other songs that I normally listen to. The video is funny to! So that's a plus.

Well, this is Liv signing off...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Where have I been??
Did I just disappear?
No, sadly enough, I did not disappear into a totally different time era. Instead, I decided to just ignore my blog, and my readers. So, this is my apology to my 6 subscribers; I am sorry.

Now that my apology is over with, we are onto my word of the day...
What is the first word that pops into your head when you hear "Addiction"?
I usually think of addiction to drugs, or weird things like chalk...
Addiction: the state of being enslaved to a habitat, or practice, or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming.
^^^ Courtesy of (my BFF)

I have narrowed it down to three things that I am addicted to:
3)The Internet

What is the pattern in this?
All of those 3 of my bigges addictions, are not healthy for you.
Sugar - Weight gain and a bunch of other things that take time to explain...
Sims - Sims are just amazing, but very time consuming and NOT good for a procrastinator like me...
The Internet - Again, very time consuming, and radioactive.

My question for you all is, what are your three biggest addictions?? I forgot to mention one more, and that is coffee. Courtesy of my mother.

Now for the R...
The "R" is for Reviews...

My Review on Farmville...
Farmville is really just a waste of time. It's for people who want to have a farm, but don't want to put all of the time and effort that is needed to make a real farm, so they instead make a virtual farm. Yes, I myself used to be a "farmer" but have resigned to much more valuable time consuming things (**coff coff** Sims **coff coff** Warcraft)

My Review on juicystar07...
Used to be one of my favorite Makeup Youtubers. She's the girl who really got all of the makeup gurus started. However, with help from my father, he has made me realize that almost every makeup guru that has a youtube account, wears an excessive amount of makeup. They cake on their, primer, foundation, concealer, blush powder. What is real beauty? It's what's on the inside. Instead of wearing all of that cakey face stuff, wear you. (HYPOCRITE HYPOCRITE HYPOCRITE)

My Review on Life...
*Ahem* Life, is a meadow. It's full of bright and colorful flowers, and green grass, free and warm with colors and sunshine. Until a big storm comes along and rains on that meadows parade, and just ruins everything. Is that any reason for that meadow to give up on the beautiful flowers? No, of course not. People, life isn't perfect. Sometimes I expect my life when I get older to be exactly what I dream about it being. But, if I want it to be that way, there's a long process that I need to go through. Including making mistakes, learning from my mistakes, traveling everywhere, studying my butt off. That is my amazing Review on life.